The United States announced on Monday (December 4) that it will refuse to grant visas to Ugandan officials who enforce a controversial anti-homosexuality law, enacted in the East African country in May and which includes sanctions up to the death penalty.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the measure would affect Ugandan officials, whether still active or not, and their family members, if they are found to have played a role in the “repression of members of marginalized or vulnerable populations.”

“These groups include, among others, environmental defenders, human rights defenders, journalists, LGBTQI people and leaders of civil organizations,” explains Mr. Blinken in a press release. Once again, I strongly encourage the Government of Uganda to make efforts to defend democracy and to respect and protect human rights, so that we can maintain the partnership that has existed for decades between our two countries and which has benefited Americans and Ugandans alike. »

As soon as the law was adopted, American President Joe Biden called for its immediate repeal and threatened to reduce American aid and investments in Uganda.

Life sentence and death penalty

The text provides for heavy penalties up to life imprisonment, or even the death penalty, for people having homosexual relations and “promoting” homosexuality. Although included in Ugandan legislation, the death penalty has not been applied for years.

Ten years ago, Uganda overturned another law that imposed life sentences for people who had homosexual relations, after international donors, including the United States, reduced their financial aid.

This new visa decision, which does not publicly name any names, is an extension of restrictions imposed on Uganda due to alleged irregularities during the 2021 presidential election. Yoweri Museveni, president since 1986, had won a new term during this election.

Meanwhile, Blinken also announced that the United States will refuse to issue visas to anyone who compromised the electoral process in Zimbabwe in August. This contested election allowed the reappointment of President Emmerson Mnangagwa, whose party has ruled the country for more than forty years.