The differences between the United Can and PSOE on how to approach the repeal of labor reform have led the purple to request early as “urgent” reactivation of the Government Coalition Agreement.
Its objective is to review the “commitments” of the pact between both formations that allows Pedro Sánchez to govern since the end of 2019.

The Members of the United States of the Government maintained an emergency meeting on Thursday at night where they agreed to transfer this requirement to the PSOE after detecting what they consider “interference” by the First Vice President, Nadia Calviño, regarding the repeal of the
labour reform.
All after the Vice Presidency of Economic Affairs, the ministries were sent on Thursday a letter about this reform and its negotiation, that the dwellings come as “interference”.

The purple sector in the Executive fears that the Socialist Branch occupies competences that do not correspond to him, as they reported that it occurred in terms of equality with laws like that of only yes or yes or the Trans Law.
In this regard, they explain that labor issues are exclusive competition from the Ministry of Labor, captained by Yolanda Díaz.
There is a lot of discomfort in the purple sector with the first vice president.

For this reason, in order to strengthen the agreement, united we can reactivate the table that studies the agreed commitments almost two years ago by Pedro Sánchez and Pablo Iglesias and emphasize the competence limits of each portfolio.

The PSOE agrees to gather this table and in fact Adriana Lastra, Vice-secretary general of the PSOE, has been contacted with the Minister and Leader of We can, Ione Belarra, to deal with the matter and try to close a date.
That follow-up table, in any case, will have to be sharp because its composition was done in accordance with the initial configuration of the coalition and has been outlined after the July government crisis.

“We need to address the management and execution of coalition commitments,” the General Secretary of We Can and Minister of Social Rights, Ione Belarra.

Yolanda Díaz promised to repeal the law in the coming weeks, before it concludes the year, although there was no agreement with all social agents, that is, I would do it even if the CEOE does not join.
Calviño, on the other hand he wants a covenant with all social agents although that extends beyond December 31.
This Sunday, the president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, closed the PSOE Congress by seconding Diaz by committing to knock down the norm, but did not detail how neither when.

Calviño said this Thursday in reference to labor market reform that until now there had only been “preliminary contacts” with social agents and that the negotiation phase and concretion of that “balanced” reform package has been initiated.
Some affirmations that increased the anger in United can.

Work has been negotiating the labor market months in the dialogue table.
In fact, Díaz said exactly a week ago: “Jobs go fast, in November they will be culminated.”

We can positively valued the words of Pedro Sánchez this Sunday.
One step, they understand the government sources consulted, also consolidated with the shipment to Brussels of Component 23 of the recovery plan, which details that the modernization of the labor market must be executed before December 31 of this year.
However, the deadlines that could be in the air as they interpret the statements of Calviño.