The University of Florida reversed course to a”tattle button” that enabled pupils to report complaints about professors that changed a class’ format out of in-person to online, after pushback from faculty and students.

The controversy came following the faculty introduced the choice on GatorSafe, a campus appto report professors who left optional modifications to course modality while attempting to juggle the hurdles of instruction during the coronavirus pandemic.

The characteristic was later modified to remove the particular professor complaint function but pupils are still permitted to send in general complaints but by providing their own justification to follow it.

A spokesperson for the university, Steve Orlando, told Fox News in an interview Tuesday that the app feature was meant to be a method of feedback for pupils to report any difficulties with faculty not showing up to teach in-house courses or other issues pertaining to dual-modality classes, or”Hyflex” classes, that occur both in-person and online.

“If we have agreed to offer these in-house courses, we have entered into an agreement with the pupil and if a teacher failed to show up to teach that course in person, we’d consider a breach of the trust and the agreement between the student and the university,” Orlando explained, adding it was essential to give students the option to express concerns regarding their experience with courses.

Orlando said the university received a little more than a dozen complaints but none of them were targeted at any specific faculty members not showing up, and were rather about problems with the modality or format of the classes.

Pupils have complained that professors are not able to give the exact same individualized attention to students at home via Zoom as they do to those from the classroom.

The university ramped up the amount of in-person courses for the spring semester after students and family members voiced a wider interest in resuming in-person instruction despite the coronavirus pandemic.

Approximately 25,000 students in the University of Florida registered in a minumum of one face-to-face course for the spring, roughly half of the entire enrollment in the college, Orlando explained.

Graduate Assistants United marriage co-President Bobby Mermer told The Gainsville Sun the”snitching program” is only a means to pit students against professors, who aren’t allowed by the administration to discuss class options with their pupils.

Mermer said that the program could be utilized as a way for disgruntled students to make false accusations at the end of the session as a means of retaliating for poor levels or other gripes. He encouraged union members to flood the app with false complaints from protestation.

Orlando told Fox News that the program function saw influx and an of messages comprising”the same language,” indicative of a”copy and paste campaign”

“I would disagree with the characterization of it being a’snitch app.’ I’d call it a feedback system,” Orlando explained.

“I think especially for college, we are enormously [grateful] for our college,” Orlando explained. “They have done incredible amounts of effort throughout the pandemic to be certain that the students get the education they’re here for and have overcome enormous obstacles. We trust them and we’re grateful.”

The university also has upped the quantity of COVID-19 testing to about 2,600 people a day this session, compared to 700 to 800 in the fall, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

Nonetheless, the university doesn’t require pupils to test negative for the virus prior to coming to campus for in-house schooling, a reason for concern for the two professors and other members of their campus community concerned about spreading the virus.