The tension increases between Washington and Moscow after alleging United States that Russia has positioned saboteurs in Ukraine in order to create “a pretext for an invasion”.
An attack that could begin next month, according to a high US charge.
Moscow has rejected the “unfounded” accusation of the US.

“Russia is sitting the bases to have the option of manufacturing a pretext for the invasion, even through sabotage activities and information operations, by accusing Ukraine to prepare an imminent attack against Russian forces in eastern Ukraine”,
An American official said, according to the Guardian.
“We have information that indicates that Russia has already positioned a group of agents to carry out a false flag operation in East Ukraine.”
“Russian influence actors are already beginning to manufacture Ukrainian provocations on social and state networks,” said the official, and pointed out that Russia used similar tactics before the Crimean annexation in 2014. Military invasion could begin between mid-January and
Mid-February, it points out the same source.

This new detail jumps in the same week that diplomacy has failed to end the crisis that caused the concentration of more than 100,000 soldiers from Russia near the borders of Ukraine and the same day that Kiev denounced a massive cyber attack.

Ukraine denounced a massive cyber attack against government websites, including those of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Emergency and Security Council.
In the early morning, on government computers you could read: “Ukrainians, have fear and are prepared for the worst.”

Kiev and his allies have been giving the voice of alarm months before a possible new Russian military offensive against Ukraine.
O About an interference of this type: cybernetics and anonymous.

The spokesman for the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared Reuters that it is too early to say who could be the author but recalled that Russians had been behind similar attacks in the past.

The hackers left a message: “Ukrainians. All the information about you has become public, have been afraid and expected the worst. This is for your past, present and future.”

From the EU Josep Borrell admitted that he had no data about the authorship of cyber attack but “you can already imagine,” the head of European diplomacy told reporters, in clear reference to Russia.
The EU will mobilize all its resources to help Ukraine before this massive cyber attack.
In addition, the EU Political and Security Committee will meet emergency and study how to include Kiev in European Ciberdefense programs.
NATO also announced today that it will sign a cyber cooperation agreement with Ukraine.

Russia will react if the United States refuses to approve the security guarantees proposed by Moscow.
It is the Russian announcement of the day, this time by mouth from the Russian Foreign Minister, Serguei Lavrov.

“We categorically reject the presence of the Atlantic Alliance next to our borders,” Lavrov said at a press conference in which he presented the annual balance of his management.
An eventual income from Ukraine in NATO would be to cross “a red line” for Moscow.
According to Russian chancellor, even if Ukraine allows the block to deploy military bases in its territory, for Moscow it would also be a red line.

Russia does not stop issuing messages that your patience is running out.
“We perceive the purpose that everything becomes abstract discussions. And, of course, we hope to see an adult reaction, and so we said it firmly to the Americans,” said Lavrov during his annual press conference.
The Chancellor, further, added that the Russian response to Washington’s refusal to ensure NOC’s non-expansion “will depend on the proposals presented by the military experts to the President of Russia,” Vladimir Putin.
Lavrov avoided once again giving clues about what the Russian attack would be like.
But he did say that a possible response from Moscow in case the security talks were faced with the West would involve the deployment of military team.

Russia hopes that the conversations on security with the United States are resumed after the series of meetings this week, but that depends on Washington’s response to Moscow’s proposals, Lavrov warned.

Negotiation week with Russia has ended with more threats and new open fronts.
Moscow has dropped the possibility of having a military presence closer to the US, in countries like Venezuela or Cuba.
And Washington has placed on the table possible new adhesions to NATO, this time in Scandinavia.

Lavrov was indignant to such an idea.
“Those who stimulate the accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO by all means are those who despise the sovereignty [of these countries],” he said, referring to comments on the possible entry of these country in NATO.
Only the Finnish and the Swedish people can decide if their states adhere to NATO, said Lavrov, who did not mention the Ukrainian people in this category.

“Russia respects the sovereignty of Finland and Sweden and we believe that the neutrality policy of these States makes an important contribution in the European architecture [of security] and in guaranteeing stability in Europe,” the diplomat emphasized.
On Thursday, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the organization could admit Finland and Sweden in case they requested it.
The North American Deputy Secretary, Victoria Nuland, was pronounced in a similar sense.