The European Union (EU) and the US have waited until the last minute to issue a new barrage of sanctions against the family and the circle next to Daniel Ortega.
The Sandinista caudillo has scheduled for Monday the act of oath of his fifth presidential mandate, after the electoral parody last November, despite the fact that neither the opposition nor a good part of civil society nor the majority of the international community recognize him.

“In view of the serious situation that persists in Nicaragua, it proceeds to include seven people and three entities in the list of persons, entities and agencies subject to restrictive measures,” said the European Union, which after 7-N had already taken
A clear posture: it was some elections without democratic guarantees whose results lack legitimacy.

Among the sanctions by Brussels, two of the most influential children of the presidential couple stand out: Laureano Ortega, favorite for succession and that in recent weeks have personally headed by diplomatic contacts with China, and Camila Ortega, right hand of the “co-president”
Rosario Murillo.

Three key institutions for Sandinista Power (the National Police, the Supreme Electoral Council (CSE) and the Nicaraguan Institute of Telecommunications and Correos, which regulates the media) are also part of the new sanctional sanction of Europe, in addition to the
Main members of the Electoral Body at the service of Ortega and Murillo, Luis Ángel Montenegro, Superintendent of Banks;
and Nahima Díaz Flores, Director of Telcor.

A few minutes later the sanctions of Washington have been made public, in which diplomatic circles interpret as a coordinated action with Brussels.
The administration of Joe Biden has downloaded its sanctions against the Minister of Defense, Rosa Barahona;
General Bayardo Rodríguez, Number Two of the Army, and against another featured military, Ramón Humberto Calderón.

All of them are guilty of “subjugation of democracy,” said USA.
Managua’s prisons have today with 168 political prisoners, between bars under inhumane conditions, torture and cruel treatment.
Among them are seven presidential aspirants.
The repression that began in 2018 against the popular rebellion of April has been charged more than 350 lives, in addition to provoking the exile of almost 200,000 people.

The sanctions of this Monday are added to those that have been imposed against Managua in recent times, which also include Rosario Murillo itself, as well as a good part of his family and the circle closest to the Sandinista caudillo.

Ortega will take possession with the presence of its few international allies and the ignorance of the rest of the planet.
“It’s a usurpation. Ortega has kidnapped the people with the power of weapons and with them they also have silenced,” Ramírez Ramírez Campesina leader remembered, in front of a multi-hundred camp of Nicaragua on the border.
With Costa Rica.