Four years and two months after his arrest, José Manuel Villarejo has declared this Monday in the first of the judgments against him by the tandem case.
The Retired Commissioner faces an anti-corruption prosecutor’s request more than 100 years in prison for private businesses that he made being police and the alleged illegalities he committed to obtain data reserved for customers.

Villarejo has held before the court of the national hearing that all its business activities had the coverage of the Governments of the PSOE and the PP, under the command of Felipe González and Mariano Rajoy, respectively.
When the Public Ministry has asked him if he had requested the prescriptive compatibility for private businesses, the Commissioner explained that in 1995, when he was asked to re-enter the police, he agreed that he would be that way.

“I did a letter I explained in detail what the conditions were and the covenant to be active, providing societies that it used for coverage as an intelligence agent, I presented a writing and never answered me saying ‘What is this’ or ‘Are you crazy’
. Soon I was active. […] The business structure needed to be maintained and I never turned to reserved funds. That was the covenant I kept when I re-entered. All the turnover was to reinvest in the business structure at the service of the State

The defendant has added that another compatibility report was made in 2015 or 2016, when he ruled the PP and the Minister of the Interior was Jorge Fernández Díaz.
“I am referring to the report that the Minister of the Interior ordered, who the director of the police [Ignatius] seized the DAO [Deputy Director] and that the DAO ordered someone with faculties for it.”

That report, which consists of the cause, denies that there is incompatibility.
But it is not as such the process that marks the law to authorize a private business activity, and Villarejo has been vague to the precise question.

“Fiscal Sir, all the tasks of intelligence should be secret. Very few things are written. I was in charge of very delicate things referring to the interests of the State and if I had come to light I would not make sense of my intelligence work. Nor is there anything written about
Pay terrorists and release kidnapped and have been done. ”

The prosecutor’s questions have pointed out that it was he who, after publicly disseminating his business structure, claimed indoors to give him coverage.
“I did not ask for anything, I was convinced that I was working for my country, for the different governments, and that asking for explanations to the president of the Government on how he was legalized, my situation seemed like an incongruity, I did not ask anything. That report I think that
He asked for the Minister of the Interior, probably suggestion of the president of the government, who would begin to worry. ”

Legal coverage for your business is one of your defense master lines.
If it existed, Villarejo would not have committed the crimes of bribery that suppose the core of the accusation.

As for the crime of disclosure of secrets by, supposedly, having obtained reserved data-called, tax data, etc. – Of those who paid him for investigating, he denied having ever collected them.
If they were seized in the records, he has said, it was because he put them there internal issues, serving orders from the CNI.
The responsibility in his “persecution” of these organisms is another of the constants of Villarejo’s defense.

“It is the CNI that prepares it and they put the letterhead. It is part of the intelligence work, which is denigrating the character to which you want to destroy. The only thing I need is that I put me from abductor of ladies.”

In fact, it has come to attribute to the CNI the elaboration of the hundreds of recordings of its meetings over the years.
Recordings that technology, also allows manipulating.
“Did you record those meetings?” The prosecutor has asked about the Iron project, one of the three that are being judged, in which the commission was to investigate a rival law firm.

“Do you know who could record?” He has insisted the prosecutor before Villarejo’s refusal.
“I had all my life since the beginning by the CNI since 2000. Periodically they gave me audio and edited the audios for my guarantee and tranquility,” the retired commissioner responded.

“Ask the Lords of the CNI, I imagine that I meet periodically with them,” has released from Colletilla, in a direct reference to the prosecutor who, as many others, Miguel Serrano has let.
She has only replicated a couple of times, when she has asked her to address him as a prosecutor, not by the name of him.

Villarejo has also had some touch with the court president, Angela Murillo.
He has been at the beginning of her statement, when he was more thrown and wanted to cover everything with her’s answers.
“Piano, Mr. Villarejo, has asked for the magistrate.” I have to defend, Honor.
This is a general and prospective cause, everything is related, “Villarejo explained when he has been slowed down in an answer in which he mentured other prosecutors and judges.

With the passage of the minutes, his answers have tended to monosyllabus – always a no- or minimum intelligible: “Lie”.
The latter, to the umpteenth question about obtaining reserved data taking advantage of the contacts of it in the police.

As much as Villarejo has arrived, it is that, before the clients, he bragged from his contacts from the police time, but without saying that he was still and without promising data that only consisted of police bases.

“It’s a marketing technique. Assembly, it supposes to make certain boosters. As prosecutors incorporated into offices and talk about their contacts. But I never had access to databases,” he explained.

Many of the questions left in the air, the retired commissioner has answered that if he could access his agendas as the prosecutor could refresh the memory.
That lack of weapons for the defense of him is another of the axes of a statement that will continue on Tuesday.