The new party Spain emptied will eventually be presented in five of the nine provinces of Castilla y León.
The coordinator of this new political movement has confirmed this Monday that it will also have an electoral list in Valladolid and, with it, there will be candidatures in the circumscriptions of Soria, Burgos, Salamanca and Palencia.

It will not be awarded in the autonomic elections of February 13 in León, Zamora, Segovia and Ávila, where the various existing platforms have decided that they were not ripe enough at this time to give the jump from activism to politics.

The last province to decide to present itself has been Valladolid, which has rushed deadlines to the end.
The List Head will be white cristina, former councilor of citizens in Medina del Campo and that now in the City Council is like Edil “not assigned”.

The will of the coordinator of Spain emptied was to have been in all the provinces in these elections and has been working hard to achieve it, but finally it has not been possible and left for the upcoming elections.

The PP strategy of catching with the foot changed to Spain emptied with the electoral advance and a very tight calendar has worked, since Alfonso Fernández Mañueco has deactivated candidates from the new party in almost half of the autonomous community.
And, the advance has caught the more than 160 platforms from all over the country with the unfinished debate on the way they were going to use the new political tool to pass from social activism to the elections, the mirror of Teruel exists

Many associations did not have the internal debate resolved, which is more complex than deciding whether they are now presented or not, because it also implies agreeing to diverse groups within the province and choosing the representatives.
Many decisions have had to be taken at an accelerated way now, without almost time and in the middle of a sixth wave of Coronavirus and the Christmas holidays that have also hampered the possibility of holding meetings.

The premiere of Empty Spain has the peculiarity of Soria, whose situation in the new political space could resemble the confluences of United Can, as the Common of Ada Colau.
The Soria platform Now!
He has decided to present himself as a group of voters instead of as a party, as they will do the rest, and have put a lot of emphasis on dialing their own personality to value their 21 years of activism, as well as the province’s demands.

To form the grouping of voters have submitted more than 2,500 signatures this Monday, which has led them to triple the 800 legally required, 1% of the province’s electoral census, as announced in a statement.

It is the strongest candidacy today of Spain emptied and to which the surveys are giving representing one and two seats in the courts of Castilla y León.
His head of the list is Angel Caña, an official of the Board of Castile and León, 54, and that as many of his colleagues has not had any prior step for politics.

“It has come to the conclusion that we can not be another 21 years, we had to be in the institutions, although it is a step that is not easy for any because we are not from the world of politics,” explained the number one of one of
In statements collected by Europe Press, during the present presentation of the list, where he has warned that they take the step to “get the maximum representation”.

The rest of candidates in Valladolid, Burgos, Salamanca and Palencia will take place local references from their provinces in the name but also the last name “Spain emptied”, to differentiate themselves from other parties that have been presented using similar names and that they have nothing
to do with this civic movement.