The next drought of the summer is announced. Thus, the year-old dispute to the groundwater in the next round. The Ecologist, Hans-Otto Wack, scientific adviser to the protection of community bird of the mountain, seeks the discussion to objectify: He shows, as with the drinking water business, and argues for the use of water in Frankfurt. He is based on a documentation of the protection community, which has developed a future-oriented supply concept for the Management systems of the Rhine-Main.

Wack sees a violation of the water act, according to which the water supply has to be close to the village. On the other hand could be sued. To indicate a Transport of about 100 kilometers, as a regional supply, keeps Wack for label fraud. The construct of long-distance water supply, go back in the Rest of the decisions adopted by the city of Frankfurt from 1872.

when to bird along the crest of swells

If the Frankfurt head of the environment Department Rosemarie Holy (Green) calls the citizens in the summer of 2018 to watering newly planted trees in the urban area with water from the faucet, then swells to the bird along the ridge. Because while you and nature have massively struggling with the consequences of the fallen groundwater level to be conducted each year, 40 to 45 million cubic meters of the vital raw material in the southern Metropolitan area – more than a third of its total needs. The town of Ulrichstein had to, for example, at the end of last year, a 200-Meter-deep well drilling, to the supply of the inhabitants to ensure.

“it is Firstly noted that the water belongs to no one. Legally, it is defined as a free Good without a price – just like the air,“ says Wack. To suggest the book of expenses for the promotion and forwarding only. According to the water resources act, the municipalities are obliged to provide the population with water, and to generate to cover costs and make a profit. You can delegate to third parties. A value chain is created by for-profit companies such as trade.

Hesse water, as a buyer

In the bird mountain, among other things, the Ovag promotes the water. They sold it to the Hessen Wasser GmbH & co. KG, the procurement company for the provision of drinking water in the Rhein-Main area, in the city of Frankfurt is involved in a good third. Hesse water sold it in the Mainova AG, its largest shareholder, the city of Frankfurt. The property sold in the cool water, finally, to the consumer and profits to the city. That is to say: Three private law firms want to make on the water on the way to the houses.