– I run around with something called alopecia. I lose the hair patchy.
– I have for several years now found a wig that fits, but Middelfart municipality will only provide a subsidy for a wig on the year. A wig made of kunstfiber, what I call the Barbie-hair.

Other people get two wigs a year

– I have – when I lived in north Funen municipality – gotten money for two wigs per year to about 7000 kr a piece. And other people on the island of Fyn also get to two a year.
– But Middelfart municipality believes that the I have found, can take a year.

– But it can’t.

so begins Ditte’s a letter to the nation! to be bald and have a small head, which is difficult to find well-fitting wigs – and on her municipality’s willingness to help her with the wigs. The municipality will only pay approximately 9500 dkk a year for The hair – and this means that the Mark itself must find 4-5000 dkk. And she has them not.
You can read the municipality’s explanation below – Ditte letter continues namely as follows:

– It is very important to have a wig that is neat and in order when you go to work and be seen with other people, etc.

– I am 24 years old and I will not go and look like I know not what, because the municipality can’t see how important it actually is.

– I would like to be able to go to work happy and not suddenly have the desire to meet, because the wig will be worn and lose her hair quietly.

– I am young and I will be on the labour market for many years yet.

– I am currently on unemployment benefits, but also makes clean a few hours before I have to start internship and then employed on a permanent basis, with you I am at now.

– I have a private car which used to run at work, and the salary is not high, so if I all of a sudden put almost 5000 kr extra for a wig more per year, so it’s suddenly a very tight budget, which must be added.

– See yourself in the picture – it is my vertex, so that people can see that it’s not just for fun I ask for the wig, writes Mark, according to the response of the municipality has sent to the nation!, get the help the law allows you to provide:

Middelfart Municipality do not comment on individual cases, but we can instead inform you that we are providing grants for assistive devices, including wigs, on the basis of the applicable legislation.

– When we receive an application for a grant for a wig, so the case is illuminated, and the citizen to be heard via a so-called hearing of parties, so we ensure that we can make a decision on an informed basis.

– Then we are looking for prices from different suppliers and calculates an average price for the product.

– this is The amount that the applicant qualifies for the purchase of the wig.

– It is the applicant free to choose another supplier or to buy a more expensive product than the municipality of evs. suggests, however, the municipality covers as a starting point only, the granted amount, as it is rated to be able to cover the cost of the equipment, write Middelfart Municipality, but what are you thinking?

The left is kunstfiber like Barbiehår and the right is real hair that I have now, as they will only give 1 time a year.