The city of Mainz will take action this weekend with a large contingent of police and employees of the regulatory office, along the Mainz Rhine river, according to strong celebrate in the night. At the winter port of the use of force by the Technical aid to the flood-is to be supported and spotlights to light in an Effort to vacate at midnight on the terrain. The information large numbers of people are to be found especially, but also other passages of the Shore part is a dense one, the celebration until well after midnight and with considerable alcohol so loudly that residents of the entire district are brought to the night’s rest.

Jochen Remmert

airport editor and correspondent of the Rhine-Main-Süd.

F. A. Z.

“in Mainz, the city of the joy of life and of coexistence is. We are currently experiencing in some Places of the urban area at the same time, a Crossing of red lines. This must make it a concern. And we are not only on the currently noticeably increasing the risk of new infections by Covid-19“, said Lord mayor Michael Ebling (SPD). It is not that there is a certain clientele like to live out his celebratory mood at the expense of the night’s rest of residents along the entire banks of the Rhine.

“it is Only with mutual consideration of each other to work in such a vibrant city like Mainz,” said the right head of the Department of Manuela Matz (CDU). Should shift the “party mile” from the winter harbour way, was in the position to react quickly and flexibly.