not daring as at first sight may seem that the SPD prepares candidates for Chancellor. Yes, the once proud German social democracy around languishing in the polls between 14 and 18 percent, it is far behind the Union, mostly behind the Green.

In a position to lay claim to the Chancellery, seems almost absurd. But the thing is multilayered. In reality, Olaf Scholz, has not so bad chances to become the next Chancellor. At least they are not worse than those of the three (or four) men in the Union hope on Merkel’s heritage.

Scholz has an advantage that it was not in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany so far: He doesn’t need overwhelming election victory, to gain a majority. The most recent survey, she is of INSA, then the SPD, the greens and the Left come together to 42 percent. The majority of eight percentage points are missing.

it would be enough, if the Minister of Finance brings his party on 26 percent. And if his potential coalition partners to grow a little, then Scholz would have to reach, perhaps, only just over 20 per cent. Even a traffic light coalition would be with light all the parties Involved do not win in a million miles away, you would have currently only two percentage points less than red-Red-Green.

a candidate for civil voters

For a candidate that can also Wake up in the bourgeois camp sympathies, it is not a Herculean task. Scholz has exactly the profile of the SPD feed back voters from the professional workforce and the academic middle class: – crisis experienced, property-oriented, not ideologically driven. The should have understood esque and Walter-Borjans, otherwise they would not let him go first.

For a party that is least noticed, especially by the left sectarianism, speaks of it a remarkable sense of reality. The party leadership has stood by with the nomination of Scholz, and that, with your links of course, no elections to win. Scholz, in turn, helps in his own way to the new castle of peace in the SPD. A cooperation with the Left, he says, because there are “many questions”. This is not a categorical ‘no’.

This shows that the CDU and the CSU should not give too much on the survey that has brought to you the Corona-crisis. Unlike the SPD, the fragmentation of the party landscape has for the Union of the negative consequences. To the right of her, a new party has been able to establish, with the help of which you want to enter into any covenants that limited their options. A civic coalition can form only with the FDP. It would not be enough for the moment, perhaps the liberals never even make it into the next Bundestag.