Flavia water fall was regarded as the future wife of the SP. After years as SP General Secretary in the political business, she is slipping some time ago in the national Council followed. With a superb re-election in the autumn they were one of the faces of the Women to vote, which brought the citizens to the best parliamentary representation. And yet water has won a fall in the Parliament is hardly of influence. You are not a candidate for the SP Bureau. And although that would be after a certain time, it has seats, no additional Commission, and not the important party offices. Also in the parliamentary debates, reports still only rarely.

water also is a symbol for the unfinished women’s revolution is not covered. The woman representation in the Parliament can or wants to translate its electoral success in additional influence or Power in the National Council and Council of States. This shows an analysis of the data to the first Session of the new Parliament. It is based on the MP rating, the published in the Sunday newspaper for over 15 years, and the influence on the basis of the Offices and the activities in the Parliament. The water ends up falling on rank 168, while a number of newly elected men received far more influence. And the Rating shows that, overall, women occupy less influential positions than their representation in the Council was entitled to.

If there is a Parliamentarian, bring in top positions, you need a lot of time.

In the commissions, the real centre of parliamentary Power, are women represented according to their electoral victory, partly strong. They occupy seats with 36 percent overall, less than they would have with their 39 percent share in National Council and Council of States actually. Clearly little women there are, especially in the important or prestigious committees, such as the financial, economic, environmental and foreign policy Commission.

There seem to be still Gender play stereotypes: Good or übervertreten women in the educational and culture – as well as in the social Commission. Women occupy but bureaux also less of a Commission and want to or are allowed to speak in the debates in Parliament, at least in the first Session, less.

If there is a Parliamentarian, bring in top positions, you need a lot of time. The Geneva national councillor Céline Amaudruz (SVP) appears after more than eight years in Parliament in the current Rating on rank 5. After you had done it in the last few years, in the top of your party, she received in her third legislative period is a second important Commission seat.

Selected need to show your diligence to prove

The two examples Céline Amaudruz and Flavia water fall: women go into their political career at times more hesitant than men. Water is not pressing on a party career, will not seek candidacy for the Bureau, although you would have had the best chances. At the same time, they are often kept for a long time from the switching of the Power levers remote: Amaudruz was long with a rather second-rate Parliament functions satisfied and their hard work in the last four years in the editorial Commission to demonstrate before it is allowed to politicize in their third term now, not only in the economic but also in the important social Commission.

The consequences can be seen in the Rating significantly: the first 30 positions, a good third of the women, which almost equals their representation in the whole Parliament. Among the best 10 women are responsible for only 20 percent. The Parliament tip is, take the Rating as a benchmark, still a Club of seasoned men. Place 1 Thomas Aeschi (SVP), 2nd place Christian Levrat (SP) assigned.

Similarly influential only Amaudruz, and the green-liberal group leader Tiana Angelina Moser are. Women, especially the younger ones, remain long on the outside, even if you apply to the your choice as a coming political stars. SP-wife Mattea Meyer, which is now traded as a future Co-President of the SP, also after four years in Parliament, only 132. A rapid rise to one man: Andri silver Schmidt, the enterprising Ex-President of the young succeeded in this autumn, however, free-minded, made it to rank 26 – absolutely unusual for a 25-year-old newly-Elected.

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Created: 21.12.2019, 23:04 PM