Affiliate Marketing isn’t a new entrant in the rapidly evolving marketing ecosystem, but it still proves to be one of the most powerful weapons in the arsenal. Numerous organizations and brands across the world are experimenting with this new-age marketing tool to boost their revenue stream and target the right audience. According to research by Forrester, approximately 81% of the brands rely upon affiliate marketing to boost their traffic and create a buzz among the audience.

While there’s a lot of resources pertaining to affiliate marketing available online, what needs to be noted are the strategies that you should focus on while stepping into the performance marketing game. Sure you can make money even while sleeping with affiliate commissions, but there’s a lot that you need to understand and execute for the passive income to flow generously. If you are someone who wants to leverage your website popularity to earn extra bucks via affiliate marketing, this article is for you. Let me help you figure out the best strategies to adopt while trying your luck at this type of marketing.

Here are the top 5 strategies to boost your Affiliate Marketing initiative for 2020:

1. Find Your Niche & Right Affiliate Programs

Carve out a niche for yourself and scout the right programs. The most important part of affiliate marketing is finding the right affiliate programs that sync with your niche. Whether it is your personal blog where you want to add the affiliate links or your social media pages, make sure that you partner with brands having a similar niche as yours. If you begin adding irrelevant links on your blogs or page, your audience might find it difficult to establish trust with your reviews.

While Amazon Affiliates and Flipkart Affiliate Program are some of the most popular affiliate programs currently, look out for brands that cater to the same niche as yours. Understand that your audience trusts you because of your expertise in a certain field and that’s your USP. Promoting products and services that you’ve personally tried and hold expertise into will automatically strengthen your audience’s trust in you and your review.

This way, you can easily generate revenue with authentic, first-hand information and also increase your follower base.

2. Drive Traffic Through Coupons and Deals

With the upswing in the online shopping and e-commerce industry, people are always on the lookout for the best coupons and deals from their favorite brands. Bring the best deals on the table for your audience and experience a surge in sales like never before. Remember, your affiliate commission is directly proportional to the number of sales.

For example,, a coupon and deals marketplace in India has mastered the affiliate marketing model becoming the industry leaders, experiencing a steady flow of revenue and partnerships with big players across various business verticals from BFSI and Entertainment to Telecom, Aviation and more.

3. Focus On Influencer Marketing

If you still don’t believe in the power of influencer marketing, you need to update your perspective really soon. In recent years, social media platforms have become lucrative avenues for brands to promote their products and services. These platforms are dominated by individual content creators with a dedicated following. Call it their expertise in the field or extremely impressive social media skills, influencers demand trust from the audience and have a massive impact on their buying decision. Their followers trust them more than anything else. For example, if you’re looking out for the best restaurants in your city, the first person to pop up in your mind will be the famous food blogger you’ve been following for some time.

So if you’re an influencer and have your own marketing channels, target the right brands and get them on board to partner with you. You can review the company’s products and drive sales like no one else.

4. Diversify Your Online Presence

Talking about Influencer marketing, the first platform that comes to your mind is Instagram, right? Honestly, platforms like YouTube, WordPress blogs, etc, are equally beneficial when it comes to performance marketing. If you love to spin stories, attract your audience with an engaging blog post where you can promote the affiliate products and earn commissions. Alternatively, if you like filming videos, YouTube can be your first choice.

The idea is to drive traffic and influence people to purchase the product, whether you leverage your email marketing skills or content marketing expertise to make it happen is your call. Expand your presence and tap all the possible social media platforms that you can employ for your affiliate marketing venture. No matter which platform you are present on, a few strategies coupled with your expertise and help you make big bucks.

5.  Trust Pocket-Friendly Marketing Tools

There is only so much that you can do to attract attention from the audience. Remember that you need to be very creative and original while you are promoting the affiliate products but you also need to play it smart. Use free or cheap online tools for activities like creating an email list, adding the links to the newsletters, etc. You also need to understand the audience that your affiliate brand caters to and the feedback they have provided in the past. You can take help from tools like Mention, Freemium, etc for reaching out to your audience.

For you to better your game in the world of affiliate marketing, it is very crucial to stay updated with the latest trends in the market. Only when you are able to understand what your audience wants is when you will be able to convince them to buy what you have.

These were the top strategies for successfully executing an affiliate marketing business. These strategies will help you gain an edge over the others in the market and make the most out of every affiliate program that you join. With every 3rd person categorizing themselves as an influencer or an affiliate, it is more than important to understand what the audience is expecting from you and then delivering the right content. Follow these tips and let us know if they worked for you.