A Minister as the face of an advertising campaign does not appear all the days of Internet video. Thus, the presence of the Federal Minister for family Affairs Franziska Giffey for the Internet portal “nebenan.de it is” unusual to say the least. For the CDU-Bundestag member Sebastian Steineke, it is more than that. “In Franziska Giffey, there is no difference between allowable public Relations activities and illegal advertising is recognizable”, said the consumer protection, the Union group of the F. A. officer, for example, to the use of the SPD politician: “that’s Why it is in our view problematic.”

Jan Hauser

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Giffey receives for your use for an Internet ad network now also criticism from the coalition, after earlier in June, the German Council for Public Relations (DRPR) had criticised the appearance. Also, the Federal Ministry for family Affairs, had distributed Videos with Franziska Giffey as an advertisement for the Internet portal “Nebenan.de”: Both to accounts in social networks as well as on the website of the Ministry of the advertising campaign penetrated was in order. Here is the family Ministry will have to Institute no further action by the Berlin-Brandenburg media more fear, which had examined the case. The media is an institution run according to the F. A. Z. now, no formal procedure. This is mainly due to the fact that according to the Ministry, no money for the advertising has been paid.

The media authority applies to the state Treaty for broadcasting and Telemedia, which advertising have a for-profit activity to basis (ยง 2 Abs. 2 No. 7 RStV). “Not here,” said Anja rooms, Director of the media authority of Berlin-Brandenburg. “In addition, the Ministry has received no payment or similar consideration for Sharing the video on Twitter.” In the absence of a counter-performance, the Existence of subliminal advertising is questionable. According to information from the Ministry for family Affairs Giffey has been involved as a private person, without participation of the Ministry of the promotional campaign for “nebenan.de” on the possibilities of the neighborhood help in the Corona-crisis point.

Invalid role mixing?

The use of the SPD-Minister, on the other hand can give, according to the Council for Public Relations the impression that the Minister, advertising directly for a particular service. Its Chairman, Lars Rademacher language on request of that Minister, Giffey is harmful to the Reputation of their office, because it is not clear whether their self-these relationships are clear. The Internet portal “Nebenan.de” takes money from companies and cities, if they want to achieve on the website of the people in the Region.

Behind the project of the Berlin Good Hood GmbH are serial founders and Investors from the Burda-Verlag (“Focus”, “Colorful”), and lake star, is involved, among other things, on the music-streaming service Spotify. For the Initiative to lobby control members of the Federal government should not use basically asking for the economic interests of individual companies. If it were impermissible role in mixing, if Giffey participant, as a private person in advertising “Nebenan.de” but at the same time as the Federal Minister for family Affairs, will be speaking.