another dive of A sperm whale that had been tangled on the last weekend in the vicinity of the Aeolian Islands in Sicily in an illegal fishing net,. To his rescue involved biologists and environmental groups fear that the whale because of the power supplies, which were still hanging on the tail fin, might be too immobile for Survival.

Italian coast guard had fought with biologists and other helpers for the weekend is to liberate the approximately ten-Meter-long animal. But before the succeeded completely, popped off the ten-Meter-long whale, and disappeared, like Carmelo Isgrò, a search of the participating scientists, reported concerned. The coast guard confirmed to the dpa that the animal had not been spotted until Monday evening. You, however, persist in the face of the waters.

According to Italian media information, it should be a female sperm whale. The coast guard showed a Video in which a scuba diver with a knife to parts of the network processed. The rescuers had great difficulty in the excited and free the frightened animal because of the size.

Still, they had made progress, it said. It had managed to remove a significant part of the network, reported the newspaper “La Repubblica”. Then they fixed on Sunday, a buoy with a flashing light on the tail of the whale, to the animal in the dark to follow. They had to cancel the action, but on Sunday evening first, and wanted to start on Monday.