Deutsche Telekom does not deviate in the Corona-crisis from your goals. “We are the number one in America”, said CEO Tim Höttges during the due to the pandemic, only a virtual annual General meeting.

In April, the subsidiary T-Mobile US teamed up in the third start-up with the smaller competitors Sprint and is now hunting on the industry leaders AT&T and Verizon. With your co-owners, the debt-ridden Japanese technology investor Softbank, the Telecom whose share of T-Mobile US. Softbank would convert the investment in T-Mobile US, currently at around 23 per cent in cash.

Telekom Supervisory Board Chairman Ulrich Lehner, who has headed the panel since the year 2008, described the merger in the United States as a “historical litter”, the secure the future of Europe’s largest telecommunications group. Expected in the second quarter, the Bonn-based Dax wants to integrate the merged American business in its full-year forecast and adjust accordingly.

Telecom is to achieve the “horse of digitization,”

Until then, the Telekom confirmed its previous expectations despite the crisis, and will continue to cost an operating result (adjusted Ebitda excluding leasing) in the amount of 25.5 billion euros. “Of course, we suffer under bad debts, lack of Roaming sales and closed stores,” said Höttges. At the same time, the Manager, the head of the Telecom for the year 2014, remained positive: “a Lot is currently digital. And there are opportunities for us.“

The Telekom was the “horse of the digitization,” said Höttges and announced: “by 2030, every household in Germany has a connector with glass fiber.” The Federal Republic of Germany should be the champion of the world in the expansion of the grid and the Telecom market leader in the new mobile radio standard 5G.

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downloaded The build-up Srini Gopalan is responsible for starting in November. The previous Europe-Responsible is the successor of Germany, chef Dirk Wössner, it pulls as a company Director for Compugroup.

As already announced in November, will in turn, pay the Tekeom for the past year, a dividend of 60 cents per share. That is ten cents less than the last time. Union-Investment-analyst Vanda Heinen wrote, you’ll take the cut, because the Fusion in the United States was a “masterpiece” and therefore the business on the other side of the Atlantic for the “major growth driver” will.