The Bundestag on Friday important parts of the economic stimulus package to Overcome the Corona-crisis on the way. Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) and other representatives of the Grand coalition promoted at the first reading, to consent to the package. The temporary lowering of the VAT from July, the “child bonus” of 300 euros, as well as facilities for the company.

“We will ensure that the economy starts to recover,” said Scholz to the start of the debate. “We will respond at the right time, targeted and temporary.” The planned reduction in said value-added tax from 19 to 16 per cent for the second half of the year 2020 is a “very strong momentum” in order to strengthen the purchasing power, Scholz. He was convinced that this “will be everywhere arrive at the citizens”.

Scholz expressed understanding that it will, given the large sum to Finance the necessary credits some of the “queasy”. He’s good, said the Vice-Chancellor. It must be ensured that not always the more money will be spent.

Left:package of hope instead of Sparkler

“We the Soft have asked that we come well through the crisis,” said Union group Vice Andreas Jung (CDU). Without these measures people would lose jobs and businesses go broke. And there are no structures would be destroyed, “the more we can build later.” Young admitted that with the stimulus package, the principle of black Zero will leave. This was for the Grand coalition but “never ideology”. “The black Zero from yesterday allows the oomph of today.”

Green party leader, Anton Hofreiter, praised the project of the coalition that it did not purchase premium for cars with gas engines and no lump-sum tax cuts for businesses. But: “For the Poorest, there is not even a temporary surcharge on Hartz IV,” he criticized, at the same time.

the Left group Vice-Fabio de Masi said that Germany needed in addition to the economic stimulus package, a “package of hope” –but “no Sparklers, which burn quickly”. He complained, it would have provided billions for corporations. “But the helping Hand for the most Vulnerable in the country should not be in there.”