With his first major Interview since the frontal attack by the short sellers is Fraser Perring Wolfgang Grenke wanted to win handle actually probably the confidence of investors. However, with his lavierenden and sometimes hard-to-follow answers he has increased the skepticism in the market, apparently.DieAktien of the lease to take grenke extended on Tuesday the losses of the past few days. You lost 4 percent to 29,54 EUR, bringing the losses since Wednesday amount of the past week to more than 12 percent.

Thus, dasInterview with the”Handelsblatt could refer to”, in the grenke position to the allegations of short sellers Viceroy, the share price do not support. There Grenke said, among other things, it is necessary to explain the complex business model better.

The charge of falsification of accounts and other accusations had the papers to leave in the middle of the month of the crash. In just three trading days, the price fell by more than half. Of 55 Euro, it went rapidly downhill in under 24 euros. Then the price recovered again. On Monday, the financial Supervisory authority Bafin has launched a special audit of the allegations.A number of analysts have recently exposed their assessment of Grenke’s shares.