History of Storm

Apache Storm is an open-source, free to access, computation system which processes unlimited real-time data. The software was the brainchild of Nathan Marz in BackType company, which is a social analytics company. Later, Storm was acquired by Twitter. Soon after the acquisition, the software becomes synonymous with real-time data processing. Nathan open sourced Storm to Github, followed by production deployments. Soon after, the Storm community developed. Storm, as the name goes, created a storm in the big data analytics world, which then was more concerned with batch-processing on MapReduce. Storm with stream processing and real-time analytics created ripples in the big data industry. On September 18, 2013, Nathan moved Storm to the Apache community, and since then it is known as Apache Storm. Storm got enterprise-grade security with the help of Symantec, Horton and Yahoo.

Key features of Apache Storm

  1. Apache Storm is fault-tolerant
  2. The software is open source 
  3. It is a real-time processing system
  4. The software helps to process big data
  5. It gained its popularity as it is fast and reliable
  6. Storm can process high-volume and high velocity of data
  7. Storm is scalable and parallelizable

What will you learn in Apache Storm training?

The Apache Storm course can be learnt online or offline. You will:

  1. Learn to build blocks of Storm Topology, which includes Spouts and Bolts
  2. Learn to run a Storm Topology in the local remote mode
  3. Understand parallelizing data processing within a topology.
  4. Learn to use different grouping strategies in Storm using Shuffle grouping, fields grouping, Direct grouping, All grouping, Custom Grouping
  5. Learn to manage reliability and fault-tolerance within Spouts and Bolts
  6. Learn to perform complex transformations on the fly using the Trident topology: Map, Filter, Windowing and Partitioning operations
  7. Learn to apply machine learning algorithms on the fly using libraries like Trident-ML and Storm-R.

Basic concepts of Apache Storm

To get started with Apache Storm, you must have a knowledge of Java. Start learning this amazing course with fundamentals of Apache Storm. Generally, a basic course in Apache Storm should impart the following concepts:

  1. Basic concepts of Apache Storm.
  2. Understanding of topology and architecture of Apache Storm.
  3. Understanding of the working principle behind Apache Storm.
  4. Learn to install and configure Apache Storm.
  5. Learn the concepts of starting cluster.
  6. Learn the concepts of spouts and bolts.
  7. Understand the different modes of operation.

Apache Storm is the hottest technology in streaming, real-time data processing. The skills of Storm are highly valued by enterprises in the domains of big data processing, middleware, and streaming. Learning Apache Storm is simple and can be clubbed with any programming language.  After being comfortable with the fundamentals of Apache Storm, you can move to intermediate level and advanced level of Storm courses. 

Apache Storm already made its place with some big giants like Twitter, Spotify etc. Its time now to join a course for Apache Storm and get swept away by the growth of this software.