Federal Minister for economic Affairs, Peter Altmaier, has acknowledged, in the climate change policy failures. The CDU politician calls to make in the coming months, the road to climate neutrality “irreversible”. The Coal phase-out, the Green Deal, the EU and the new CO2 price showed, “that the German government takes climate protection seriously and him to success want to lead,” said Altmaier, the German press Agency. “I have to admit, however, that we have made in the last few years, mistakes and acted too late.” You have “enormous” pent-up demand. “In the next few months, we must ensure that the way to a CO2-neutrality is irreversible.”

The EU wants to launch carbon neutral by 2050 –so the bottom line is greenhouse gases. “For more than 15 years has been trying to reach the climate protection worldwide in a joint effort of all the important countries in the world,” said Altmaier. “We have lost a lot of time, without something is done by gripping.” That is why the Europeans have decided to move forward. Not only traffic and heating systems, but also the industry would have to abandon coal, Oil and natural gas as an energy source.

Altmaier, has, in particular, steel production in the view. “The steel industry will show – as a Prime example of an energy-intensive industry, if we succeed, climate protection and high-quality industry in Europe to bring together,” he said. Only then can Europe become a model, only a high level of social protection in Germany and Europe could be well-received.

EEG-amendment immediately after the summer break

You know, like steel in a climate-neutral produced, namely by the use of so-called green hydrogen produced from renewable energy sources, said Altmaier. This steel but for the foreseeable future, more expensive than steel, which will be produced with coking coal – therefore, you must ensure that the steel production to stay competitive and not in countries with much lower environmental standards will be relocated. “This joint Action between companies and governments is necessary,” said Altmaier.

At the EU-level is therefore discussed about a mechanism that would increase the price of the Import Goods, in the production of many greenhouse gases are created. In its hydrogen strategy, the Federal government has also announced a pilot program, the companies in the steel and chemical industry are financially supported if they reduce greenhouse gases.