close By a little two-dimensional to three-dimensional is not easy. Astronomers know this: What appears in the sky adjacent, may lie in the third Dimension is still almost arbitrarily far apart. The reconstruction of the third Dimension of the cosmos on the basis of the two-dimensional celestial sphere is one of the Central challenges of observational astrophysics.

this is a Problem but can also influence our knowledge of the microcosm, shows a recent study in “Science Advances”, which takes nothing less to lay down as a Conviction, which, since the 17th century. Century has kept. At the time, namely, the Dutch naturalist Antoni van Leeuwenhoek sperm cells was observed under the microscope and found that this moved like an eel meandering forward in its simplicity and macroscopic familiarity very captivating image, at least for the biological layman.

Who viewed the sperm, however, more precisely, had already become an anomaly to the attention of: His tail – the Flagellum – has a molecular asymmetric structure that does not fit with a symmetric wave motion law. The human sperm would be paddling but structure in accordance with listing to one side, then it was not straight but in a circle.

the British and Mexican researchers now, these inconsistencies be clarified. With the help of three-dimensional high-speed microscopy, they were able to show that the Flagellum performs, not on unilateral movements, so as it molecular was to be expected. However, the sperm continue to rotate it while around its own axis and cancels the asymmetry. In projection under the microscope is seen to create a combination of the two movements, the optical illusion of a symmetrical winding movement, explain the researchers.