In the SPD is not subject to the double peak, as was to be expected, the leadership of the party to Slip fall. In whose direction? It was initially, and for him unexpectedly on a Faction leader Rolf mützenich. It was good, that the rudder is knocked out to the left.

Already, the Berlin SPD played at least rumored for a role: Mützenich, should have made Eva Högl also, therefore, to the military officer on the Berlin SPD list for the election to the Bundestag created more manoeuvring room.

The air in Berlin is already very thin. Michael Müller, governing mayor, paves the way for Franziska Giffey. It is said of him therefore, he search for a saving way in the Bundestag.

Mueller’s something but the inglorious departure could be best if you sweeten the top candidate for the Bundestag election. But he is not sure, since Kevin a Berlin mandate Kühnert aspires to. Ironically, in Miller’s district, he applies for a direct mandate, and could compete with him on the country list.

As the SPD will play music continue in the group in the Bundestag, is Kühnerts target the best way to let the SPD leadership more slides. After you Kühnert had been formed with the help of the Jusos in his sense, there is no need to question, in whose direction this happens.