When the German visitors arrived in the past few weeks in the Netherlands, were often poor: In shops, Restaurants and cafes someone wore hardly any mouth protection masks. In contrast to the neighbouring countries, the government is in The Hague against mandatory regulations. First, it was said that there were enough masks, then their protection was doubtful effect. Only in public transport, they are mandatory since the beginning of June. However, the government now allows cities and municipalities, the act on its own. The two major cities of Amsterdam and Rotterdam made on Wednesday to the beginning. On their Central shopping and market places mask duty – and not only in shops but also in apply miles now.

Thomas Gutschker

Political correspondent for the European Union, Nato and the Benelux countries, based in Brussels.

F. A. Z.

In Amsterdam are the Kalverstraat, the Nieuwmarkt and the red light district De Wallen in the historic core of the city are affected, also the markets on the Albert Cuypstraat and the Plein 40-45. In Rotterdam, the duty on the main shopping streets in the city centre, three large markets and two shopping centers. In both cities, to be distributed during the main shopping hours, free of charge, disposable masks. All persons who are 13 years of age or older, you must then go shopping with a Mouth guard. The police has announced controls. After an introduction phase, in which passers-by pointing only to the duty, it intends to pursue administrative offences. In Rotterdam it will cost 95 euros, if you get caught without a mask. Both cities want to evaluate after four weeks of their experience. You can reserve already now, specifically, the compulsory Wearing to extend.

The pressure to Act has increased with the most recent infection numbers. During the beginning of July, less than 3000 people with the Sars-CoV2-Virus and were infected, is increased, the numbers have now risen to almost 17,000. The authorities have identified around the country 242 a “Cluster”, where three or more people have been infected. The majority of new cases are reported from Rotterdam and Amsterdam. The chief Epidemiologist of the Dutch health Department, Susan van den Hof, spoke on Tuesday of the “disturbing” Figures. They warned explicitly against all Rotterdam to visit: “Avoid the city, if it is not absolutely necessary to be there!” The office was not then aware that it was a formal travel warning. According to the European infection protection authority is an increased risk of infection for the provinces of South Holland and Zeeland.

Whether the Virus has on the shopping streets in the large towns, is, of course, uncertain. With the pandemic, the tourism is just break in Amsterdam is strong, therefore, also the streets and squares in the centre are less crowded than usual. The greater danger is likely to exist in enclosed spaces. It was closed on Tuesday in the Amsterdam red light district, a strip club, after ten of the forty employees were positive on the Covid-19 tested.