The Federal government does not want to provide aid of up to EUR 500 million for it, that it comes in the Wake of the Corona-crisis to a break-the-job training. “We must prevent the Covid-19-crisis is a crisis for the professional future of young people and the securing of skilled workers”, – stated in Statute for a Federal program “training seats” on Sunday, the Reuters news Agency, templates.

the core is a training premium of 2000 or 3000 euros for small and medium-sized companies “are affected to a significant extent” of the crisis, and yet the number of training places to keep the number or even increase. For that alone, are estimated at the vertices up to 280 million euros. The Deputy DGB Chairman Elke Hannack spoke of an important Signal to the training companies and young people.

according to The plans, it shall also give assistance, when short-time work for apprentices will be avoided, or if trainees are taken over from insolvent companies. Jointly by educational, economic and the Ministry of labour submitted vertices should be approved on Wednesday by the Cabinet, it said in government circles.

premium for employees with less than 249 employees

the Federal Minister for employment, Hubertus Heil, was in the training Alliance with countries, business and trade unions for the training premium is strong, in order to relieve enterprises and to secure the supply of young skilled staff. There is no Corona should be-Born-in-training, had warned the SPD politician.

The premium to get businesses with up to 249 employees, which are not affected by the crisis, the decrease but nonetheless the number of apprentices in comparison to the average of the past three years. You will receive a grant of 2000 Euro for each for the training year to 2020 completed a contract of Apprenticeship.