Bayer gets in the targeted Billion settlement in the American legal dispute concerning alleged cancer risks of glyphosate-containing weed killer against the wind. Specifically, it is the part of the large-scale comparison that covers possible future cases.

a Federal judge Vince Chhabria evaluated the proposal of the parties to the dispute in a court document Monday (local time) as a problem. “We take seriously the concerns of the judge and will be on you at the hearing for preliminary approval on 24 July take,“ said Bayer. The share of the agricultural chemical and pharmaceutical group fell on Tuesday to more than six percent.

it Is rejected the proposal?

The end of June, as announced, up to 10.9 billion dollars, about 9.8 billion Euro,expensive glyphosate-comparison includes, in addition to 8.8 to 9.6 billion dollars for the ongoing processes 1.25 billion dollars for a separate agreement for possible future cases. The latter must agree with judge Chhabria. In doing so, the formation of an independent science panel to decide whether the glyphosate-weed killer Roundup causes cancer of the lymph nodes, and if Yes, at what dosage it can be dangerous.

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the judge Chhabria tends according to the current documentation rather to the proposal of the group to reject. He provides, among other things, the question of whether an appointment of such a body, instead of judges and a jury, is legally possible –and if it is, what benefits it would bring for possible future claimants.

With the end of June, closed multibillion-dollar comparison, Bayer wants to leave actually, most of his legal problems in the United States, which the group had brought to 2018 with the Takeover of the American Seed company Monsanto into the house. By far the largest part of this sum is in connection with the weed killer glyphosate.