The Federal government is afraid of American sanctions against, German authorities and companies due to the Nord Stream Baltic sea pipeline 2. This emerges from an internal paper of the German Federal Ministry of Economics, which is the F. A. S..

Konrad Schuller

Political correspondent of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung in Berlin.

F. A. Z. Twitter

The document indicates that inter-group draft law, the democratic and Republican senators in Washington in early June in the American legislative process have introduced. After that, all the companies, “the offer, in connection with the planned Nord Stream gas pipeline, 2″ services, insurance companies, or certain retrofitting services for pipe-laying support vessels will be included, according to the Ministry of economy””, in the planned sanctions””. It continues: “the same applies to services such as audits, inspections, or certifications that are necessary for the operation of Nord Stream 2 is required.”

The Ministry of economy fears, with the proposed American draft law also to “administrative Action by state authorities in connection with the completion or operation of the Pipeline sanctions could be relevant”. In the paper it says: “It would be a novelty, if sanctions are also directed against the authorities of (friendly) governments or even against the government itself.” In any case, one can assume “that the new sanctions proposals make it clear and more German and European companies to a potential sanctions target”. American sanctions against other countries have addressed previously, again and again, against the representatives of companies and authorities. This accounts were locked or-entry bans issued.

the North Stream 2 is a state-controlled Russian companies. It is building a Pipeline on the floor of the Baltic sea, the natural gas from Russia to Germany to carry. The construction is far advanced. The Federal government supports the project, but many European countries and America consider it to be dangerous. The critics would say that the wiring harness make Europe too dependent on Russian Gas. In addition, it will allow Moscow, the existing gas pipelines through Poland and Ukraine, at least partially, shut down. In Kiev, it is argued, if Russia no longer had to transport its export gas through Ukraine, it could lead to his war in the East of the country with even greater ruthlessness than before.

In Washington is not fought in the project from President Donald Trump, but by the majority of both major parties in Congress. First American sanctions are already in force and have delayed the completion. However, German companies are not or services not been met.