The entrepreneurs question the support of the Consell of the family company

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“Computer science boñigo” and other errors of Juan Roig

There are times that the silences say even more than the words themselves. And the silence of Vicente Boluda may not be more insightful. The president of the Valencian Association of Entrepreneurs (AVE) avoided directly responding yesterday to the question of whether the Government of valencia supports the family business. To what extent are administrations mentalizadas of its importance? “Next question”, he let go of Boluda to the director general of the Institute of Family Business, John Crown, in one of the debates organised on the occasion of the National Congress of the Family Business, which closed yesterday in Valencia.

The appointment was important, because by the Palace of Congresses not only have spent about 700 entrepreneurs came from all over Spain and organised by the Institute of Family Business (IEF) -among them, the valencian Juan Roig-, but also the president of the Government, Pedro Sanchez, Paul Married as the leader of the opposition, and the king Felipe VI for his inauguration.

Vicente Boluda reacted with a clear and emphatic ‘pasapalabra’ after the interventions of the president of the Association of the Family Business in Madrid, Alberto Zoilo, and the president of the Family Business of Castilla y León, César Pontvianne. While the latter praised the commitment and involvement of your regional Government to facilitate, for example, the entry of the entrepreneurs in the classroom, the spaniard also acknowledged the “sensitivity” of the Community of Madrid. When it was the turn of Boluda to assess the policy of the Administration of valencia in support of the family businesses, he chose to ignore your response and do not fall into the ‘politically incorrect’, which led to the laughter of the audience.

The message was clear: the entrepreneurs of valencia, with their president at the head, cast doubt on the policies of the Government of valencia to clear the way to family businesses. And that the head of the Consell, Ximo Puig, defended on Monday the family enterprise as “the great pillar of the economy valenciana”.

“Pure and topper”

Now, the challenges and obstacles that face today’s these companies are not few, starting with the need to do away with the image that society has of its leaders as “characters of pure and top hat”. So clear was expressed Pontvianne, who defended the necessity of bringing the figure of the entrepreneur to the students, with lectures in schools. “To overcome these prejudices and to convey that the entrepreneurs we are normal people that we risk our heritage.”

“it will cost Us several generations to return to honor the figure of the entrepreneur,” he stressed Pontvianne. Indeed, the very perception survey economic of the IEF concluded that the social perception of the entrepreneur is negative, or very negative for the 52% of the respondents. A reality, by the way, nourished by a certain political class that “you try that the image is not adequate,” he said Pontvianne.

In the opinion of Boluda, in addition, another problem just by the little appeal it has for young people entrepreneurship: “With the Spanish culture, it is believed that the failure is clumsy and embarrassed, while in the united States is part of learning”.

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