“Our goal is to build in the year 2025, cars with fuel cells that cost as much as electric vehicles with battery drive,” said Saehoon Kim, head of fuel cells division at Hyundai, the newspaper “the world”. Vehicles with hydrogen fuel cells are still significantly more expensive than electric cars with battery storage.

The increase in production is the decisive lever to lower the cost. “This year we are planning the construction of 13’000 Nexo and want to increase the production from now on, every year, continuously.

Our current goal is for the year 2030, to build 500’000 PWs with fuel cells,” said Kim. The Hyundai Nexo is currently next to the Mirai of the competitors Toyota was the only fuel cell passenger Car with a growing series production.

unlike the German car manufacturer Hyundai, and Toyota rely on a continuous Expansion of the business with the help of these vehicles in the coming years. “The majority of European car manufacturers say that fuel cell is a technology for the next decade. We believe it is a technology for this decade,” said Kim.

It had cost more than ten years in a supply chain. “For all those who are in this process, still relatively at the beginning, it is of course an understandable conclusion, the fuel cell is a technology for the next decade,” says Kim.

cars with fuel cells in which hydrogen reacts with oxygen to form water, and so the necessary driving energy, shall be considered as an Alternative to pure electric battery-powered cars. The costs for such vehicles are also due to the very low model numbers and infrastructure – but so far, high. In addition, the electrolysis of water is energy-intensive. Some observers see the fuel cell, therefore, rather as a long-term solution.