In more and more industries are increasing the pressure to set more ambitious targets for sustainability and adhere to it. The financial industry is no exception. One of the challenges for Fund companies is often to measure your Investments and Portfolios in terms of their sustainability correctly and that the results be disclosed – not an easy feat. Amundi, Europe’s largest Fund company, has done well with the British non-government organisation Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) to measure the contribution to global warming of four selected funds.

Antonia man hamlet

editor in the economy.

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The Paris climate agreement to limit global warming to well below two degrees, better yet to not more than 1.5 degrees compared to pre-industrial age. Many countries and companies, however, are still far away. To be able to the temperature or the contribution to global warming of your Fund measure, the Fund company from France, the Rating of a CDP. The temperature in the Fund with the name, such as CPR Invest – Climate Action or the Amundi Global Ecology ESG fluctuates between 2.2 and 2.6 degrees. It transmits the measurement but on the entire value chain in the Fund are companies that can rise the temperature of the respective Fund by up to 0.5 degrees Celsius.

investments, such as the “black box”

In the industry, there is a lack of transparency, says Laurent Babikian, Director for capital markets at CDP. Many investments are still a “black box”. The CDP-temperature Rating help the transparency and get monitored by the environmental organisation WWF. The companies in the Fund itself will be reviewed once a year. Then, if the company figures on your climate-and your own goals reports. To the question, what is with companies that publish sufficient information to answer Babikian, that they automatically received a “Default Score” of 3.2 degrees. A worse Score, there is not until now, however, even if the company cut off maybe worse.

That is 2.6 degrees for a sustainability Fund always missed the Two-degree target of the Paris climate agreement has to do from the point of view of Babikian that there are in the investment universe to a few companies that can comply with this brand. “At the Moment, only 250 companies, with the 1.5-degree target is compatible and only 400 companies with the Two-degree target.” With the increasing transparency it is now, is exactly that: to exert pressure on the company. The more funds are measured, the more objective and easier you can compare them with each other. At Amundi, we start only with the four funds, Babikian. Then they wanted to see whether or not the customers are interested in.

Ready to switch to the Bank

In the interest of the customers is on the rise in terms of sustainability. The financial service provider specialized consulting company holds Zeb in their sustainability study, in 2020, that more than half of all respondents to a basic affinity to sustainability in everyday life or in Finance. Yet six years ago, only about a fifth of all respondents claimed to have a moderate awareness of social responsibility and sustainability.

The topic had arrived in the middle of the society, says Jens-Uwe Holthaus, a co-author of the study on Monday at the show. The willingness of customers to switch to a more sustainable Bank, is high. At a certain clientele, there is a certain amount of “more willingness-to-pay” for the subject, you will find get the house and adds: “sustainability impacts on the earnings targets.” The Zeb is in a conservative statement of earnings potential in the amount of EUR 1.6 billion in the private customer business. So money that could be paid for sustainable products, or for higher fees.