comets have sky watchers of patience lately – for years, there was no bright copy any more. Now, however, C/2020 F3, called Neowise seems to be, the disappointments, particularly the last few months, in which hopeful tail of stars while approaching to the sun broke to be instead of apparitions, the impressive sky to make us forget.

“The comet is easily visible to the naked eye in the dawn sky from about 3.30 am to watch,” says Roger Leifert of the public Observatory in Aachen, Germany. “You’re looking for it is best to first with binoculars and then with naked eye.”

a prerequisite is a clear, haze-free sky with an unobstructed view to the North-East, because the comet is only for a short time and a few degrees above the horizon, before him, the light of the rising sun outshines. On photographs Neowise shows the tail of a comet, typical Dust. With the naked eye it appears as a long drawn-out clouds. The comet was at 27.March with the space telescope Neowise discovered. On 3.July he reached the sun the next point in its elongated orbit; he was the sun closer than the Planet mercury.

next visit in about 6800 years ago

Like all comets, he comes from the cold outer zones of the solar system. Usually it is a non-descript object in the sky. Now, however, the heat of the sun ensures that ice evaporates under its surface, large quantities of dust with tears, and the visible cometary atmosphere and the tail is generated. As the tail develops, it cannot be accurately predicted. What is certain is that Neowise away from the sun. Be part of ice is expected – and dust-emissions will decrease. 23. July, he passed the closest approach to the earth point of its orbit, where “proximity” is to be understood in an astronomical scale to Be the closest distance will amount to 103 million kilometers, 270 Times more than the moon.