What we eat, we want to allow ourselves to not prescribe. Many react to patronizing very sensitive. And yet, one should not ignore good arguments, especially since the Corona-crisis illustrates the weaknesses of our system of industrial food production.

The livestock sector is vulnerable to pandemics and their causes, warns a new study. It has long been known that the production takes with little regard for animal welfare. Narrow passages lead to disease, excessive use of Antibiotics endangers the health of consumers. Workers in the meat industry are under questionable conditions trusted, so that sausages and Steaks to low prices in the refrigerated section.

Also in the German battle have been infected workers each other with the Covid-19-Virus, because corporate security is neglected measures stations. The demand for a tougher regulation of the industry as a whole is therefore determined to be incorrect.

As in the United States, Brazil or China is produced, the consumers in Germany can look through, however. Therefore, each of the critical Consumer has to place even more value on his decision of what food he buys. Bans alone will not help.