The Deutsche Bahn is the fact that the working lives of many subscription and regular customers in the Corona-crisis drastically changed. Commuters who work at home, too, now offers them a flexible Ticket. “The home office is increasingly part of the everyday work”, said the Chairman of the Board of DB fernverkehr, Michael Peterson: “a Lot of driving every day to your workplace, but work a day or two days per week from home. These clients need flexibility.“ You can now purchase a 20-trip card for a specified route with at least a part of the route in long-distance transport (ICE and IC).

Kerstin Schwenn

business correspondent in Berlin.

F. A. Z.

The Ticket for the 1. and 2. Class is book 30 days in advance only online. The offer of the train running by next summer. After the purchase of the 20 trips, these can be individually redeemed within one month flexible for the Outward or return journey; a specific train, there is not.

The 20-trip Ticket, according to the railway up to a third cheaper than the comparable monthly ticket on the same route. Like a time card, the Ticket is not transferable, and only in connection with an official ID card valid.

coupons for loyal clients

regular customers who were not able to use during the hard Phase of the Corona-pandemic your time card as usual, be refunded the subscription train, moreover, as a gesture of goodwill a portion of their costs for the railway. As the spokesman of DB, confirmed the long-distance transport, should receive every customer with a bahncard 100 for a voucher of up to 1000 Euro. Be planned for “individual solutions”. The roughly 50,000 holders of the Bahncard 100 had to be reported up to the end of may at the track.

The bahncard 100 allows you to travel through the whole of Germany, with long – Distance and regional trains, including City Tickets; they cost in the second class year 3952 euros and in first class 6685 Euro. The railway spokesman stressed that the clientele of the train be true. There were hardly any cancellations, the Numbers were currently at the level of the previous year. Overall, the repeat customers bring to the group more than 40 per cent of sales in passenger traffic.

The other side of the track card customers, the rail as a gesture of goodwill compensated up to 50 Euro. Holders of a bahncard 25 in the second class, will receive a travel voucher to the value of ten Euro, holders of the Bahncard 50 in the first class and a voucher of 50 Euro.

The travel vouchers are valid for three years. Tickets, the to 13. March were bought and for journeys up to 4. May were free of charge in a voucher exchanged. The customers can use the tickets until the end of October, flexible, without binding to a specific train.