In the case of the largest economic stimulus program in the history of the European Union, the Italian head of government, Giuseppe Conte has called for “a courageous project” to the rescue of his country. At the same time, he has promised reforms. It is not only the fate of Italy, but “common interests,” he said on Saturday in an emergency meeting with the EU leaders. The head of the conservative EPP group in the European Parliament, Manfred Weber (CSU), urged, meanwhile, to make the assistance of the international community to impose strict conditions.

The Corona-crisis was an “unprecedented shock” for his country, said Conte in the special conference of his administration, with top officials from the EU and IMF. Italy had suffered by the pandemic “very high human, social and economic costs”. It need now is a “courageous project” in order to get out of the crisis. He share the view of the EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, could not afford for all of Europe to a “return to the Status Quo” as it was before the crisis.

Von der Leyen, also thanked Conte for the willingness to reform

the video conference, among other things, the EU Commissioner for economic Affairs, Paolo Gentiloni, a country man Contes, EU Council President Charles Michel, as well as IMF Chief, Kristalina Georgieva took part in addition to von der Leyen. You Conte acknowledged a debt to his country. Now the Chance had to be used to eliminate the crisis, all the obstacles that have hampered Italy in the past 20 years. Specifically, the head of the government called for a more efficient public administration, more digitization, more environmental protection and a stronger fight against inequality and poverty in the country.

Italy had been taken before all other EU-States and the hardest of the Corona-crisis, said EU Commission President of the Leyen in the online service Twitter. The “courageous actions” of Italy against the pandemic would work. The recovery from the crisis, however, is a “generation task for the whole of Europe”.

“We can only overcome this crisis if we do it together,” stressed von der Leyen more. No country and no Region should be left behind. The investment in the design economy of the future would also mean that “ambitious reforms” worked had to be, to ensure that the investment will “meet the needs and expectations of citizens”. She thanked Conte for his willingness to reform in the light of the high Italian public debt.

Italy is supposed to hit to get the largest share of the relief Fund

Italy is the Corona of a pandemic is difficult. So far, more than 34,000 people to the consequences of a Coronavirus infection died in the country, according to official figures. Many of the deaths were in the North of the country, including in the province of Bergamo. Different scenarios predict for the year 2020, a decline in gross domestic product (GDP) between 8.3 and 14.0 percent.