Mr Ströhle, why we feel fear?

in Principle, fear is a basic motion that is the majority of people and animals, and protects us in the case of a potential threat. It makes us aware and leads to the fact that we are able to react physiologically and psychologically optimal on the risk.

How our body reacts to fear?

The body adjusts to a fight and activates the entire circuit. The pulse quickens, we have an in-depth breathing, and the blood is distributed from the digestive tract to the muscles, so that our efficiency is higher.

When this reaction occurs is less than a loss of a car accident, there is no reason to worry. You should happen more frequently and without explanation in everyday life, I would think.

How do I know, moreover, that the perceived fear is morbid?

If I interfere in everyday life, and am in certain situations or places to avoid.

What can be the reasons for a anxiety disorder?

We usually go from a learning theory model of panic disorder, with the causes for this looking for less of Childhood, but rather specific stress factors can be determined. To personality characteristics, Stress, genetic factors or drugs.

Who gets in front of it?

About 30 percent of the population have in life at least once a panic attack. Only a tenth of them actually developed a panic disorder. Women suffer about twice as likely to have anxiety disorders than men.

What are the different forms of anxiety disorders are there?

people have different age stages, in which mental disorders manifest. In Childhood, specific phobias against spiders or snakes are common. The youth are more likely to be social anxiety disorder, is characterized by a fearful interaction with other people, or test anxiety. In the twenties there is more to panic disorder and Agora phobia. The generalized anxiety disorder has its manifestation summit later, in the fifties and sixties Anxiety disorders often occur comorbid. This means that in a human multiple diagnoses, such as various anxiety disorders, or anxiety disorders, and depression may apply.