In diesel scandal, Public Prosecutor’s Office in Brunswick imposed a fine of one billion euros against Volkswagen. “Volkswagen accepts fine and is committed to its responsibility,” group shared.

The fine is refore based on legal maximum of five million euros – which is what so-called administrative offences is doing – and a levy on economic benefits of 995 million euros.

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According to findings of investigation of Public Prosecutor’s Office Braunschweig, it had come to “supervisory breaches in Department of Aggregate Development in connection with vehicle inspection”. These were partly responsible for fact that between middle of 2007 and 2015, nearly eleven million diesel vehicles were advertised, sold and marketed worldwide with an improper software function.

Volkswagen announced that it would accept fine after a furr examination and that it would not appeal. “Volkswagen is thus committed to its responsibility for diesel crisis and sees it as anor essential step towards its management,” it says. Due to fine, offence procedure running against Volkswagen is finally terminated.

In contrast to criminal proceedings, which can only be directed against persons, a company may be fined after administrative offences, “if it is established that necessary supervisory measures are intentional or negligent And thus have been subject to criminal law-related breaches of duty, ” public Prosecutor’s notice states. “It is one of few possibilities under German law to direct companies to misconduct of employees with payment obligations in form of fines.”

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According to Entscheidungunberührt, Public Prosecutor’s Office remains subject of both courts pending civil proceedings, such as dieKlagen of car buyers, as well as criminal investigation proceedings continued in Braunschweig against Derzeitinsgesamt 49 persons.

Investigations also against Audi-chief Stadler

Since September 2015, several car manufacturers have been accused of manipulating exhaust gas purification in ir diesel vehicles for years. Special software should ensure that limit values for exhaust gases are only observed on test bench but not on road. Volkswagen Group chief Martin Winter Korn had resigned in course of affair.

Against him is determined for fraud and violation of stock law, in May 2018, US Court of Justice also charged against him and issued an arrest warrant. VW manager Oliver Schmidt was sentenced to a seven-year prison sentence in United States. The authorities are also investigating Volkswagen subsidiaries Audi and Porsche. In June 2018, Munich Public Prosecutor’s Office expanded its investigations to Audi chief Rupert Stadler.