• future research

Jessica Blazekovic

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z.

If the companies fall into crisis, it often helps to just escape to the front. So, at least, Sascha Dannenberg from the Institut Futur of the Free University (FU) Berlin explains the current Hype about the future of research. Dannenberg coordinated at the FU a master’s degree programme with the same title and reported “extremely high” number of applicants this year. “Situations like the Corona of a crisis for a lot of uncertainty and need for orientation,” says Dannenberg.

“orientation knowledge”, it is also to convey to the Master, which change’s potential in politics, business, technology, and society. “With the view in the crystal ball, we have nothing to do,” says Dannenberg. On the study plan words how to change the world of work, technology is in fact engraving, assessment, political utopias, automation, post-growth follow – the really big chunks so.

The four-semester master’s degree programme in Germany is unique in this Form, will cost the students a total of 5200 Euro plus semester fees. He starts each winter semester. The job opportunities estimates Dannenberg, very good: Many of the graduates went into the research, would be in the innovation departments of companies or acted as a consultant for organizations.

• city development

as interdisciplinary as the Master of future research, but on the specific subject of urban development of the Master Urban future at the Potsdam University of applied Sciences is tailored. Here, too, the students with different prior knowledge in the Lectures in the Bachelor of architecture, geography, Design, Social or cultural Sciences. Program Director Michael Prytula, a research Professor for resource-optimized and climate-Build custom, explains why for the study of urban transformation processes is important:

“A city is not just buildings, it is made up of people.” The programme has also been working with the built, the social and the digital environment in towns and cities, with economic issues as well as artistic and cultural. Past projects examined, for example, the Potential of car-free neighbourhoods, new residential, the acceptance of air taxis or the competition of a residential and green spaces in the city.

Each Year are admitted 24 students, the current application period is running. A similar study, offer provide, among other things, the Bauhaus-University in Weimar with your Bachelor’s degree, urban studies, the Technical University of Munich (TUM) with a corresponding Master or the Humboldt-University of Berlin, Master of Urban geographies.