The Land of North Rhine-Westphalia working in the fight against low meat prices, a media report, according to a Federal Council initiative. The Ursula Heinen-Esser, agriculture and consumer protection Minister of the country, the newspaper “Rheinische Post”.

It is going to complicate the law against unfair competition as provided for exceptions clearly. “There are hair-raising special offers, in which meat is clearly below its value is sold. We need to stop. Because, in principle, of selling below cost is prohibited, the price already,” said the CDU politician

price pressure is applied to the stockyards

Heinen-Esser stressed: “We must take the entire chain from stable to table in the view.” The price pressure from the food trade was having on the entire chain, and also to the Slaughterhouses.

Currently, the slaughterhouses, according to a new Corona onset at the industry giant Tönnies in focus. The working conditions in battle accommodation are operated with sub-contractors and Collection with many Eastern European employees in the criticism.