Which prevented the car buying bonus in the stimulus package, the Federal government burdened the relationship between the SPD and the trade unions. Especially trade Union representatives from the car industry criticised at the weekend, once again, the course of the SPD. The Federal Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil (SPD) was convinced, however, that it comes to a permanent break with the trade unions.

the trigger for the dispute is the cancellation of a car purchase premium for gas in the stimulus package of the Grand coalition. Union and SPD had agreed in their 130 billion Euro stimulus package, only on a stronger promotion of electric cars. A among other things, of the automotive industry, previously vehemently want to purchase premium for Diesel and gasoline is not supposed to give it to but. Especially the IG Metall, the SPD then sharp.

Federal labour Minister healing described the fundamental relationship with the unions as a constructive. “My cooperation with the trade unions to work constructively and in good faith, and is in unwavering”, said the SPD Minister of the “Augsburger Allgemeine” from Saturday. He said a “Central role” in the modernization of the economy. The trade unions, the social engine of innovation and a strong interest were “representative of workers”.

review: course of the SPD party leadership, the “left populist”

the Chairman of the German trade Union Confederation (DGB), Reiner Hoffmann, sees no inherent conflict. “There is a solid conflict to a material issue,” said Hoffmann of the “Augsburger Allgemeine”. It could, however, be spoken of as a principle of conflict. He warned the social Democrats at the same time, in the “world on Sunday”: “you have to also on the industry and the workers look, if you want to keep the AfD small.”

the Sharp criticism came again from the works Council and trade Union representatives from the car industry. The Daimler group works Council Chairman Michael Brecht accused the party top, you need to hear, answer but the questions had not been asked. “The balanced middle is missing,” he said of the “doublet”. The SPD could not hold as a people’s party. Brecht described the course of the party leadership as a “left-populist”. He question of who should be elected by the employees in the car industry or the social Democrats.