The Südwestrundfunk not know what to do, would be different. After massive criticism of the for Monday night at the First scheduled documentation “Wuhan – timeline of an outbreak” has not decided the channel to show the Film. “Until recently,” writes the SWR, have you fought “together with the production company for the realization of this important project. In the case of the intensive editorial and legal review”, it was the SWR is important, “the Film has all of the journalistic and legal claims”.

Michael Hanfeld

responsible editor for the features section Online and “media”.

F. A. Z.

How to “which I heard yesterday, on Sunday”, “can not give the agent the production company the necessary rights on the used footage and the China Intercontinental Communications Center (CICC)”. Thus, a basic lack of “a requirement for the SWR valid journalistic Standards for the Use of foreign raw material”. As a “friendly and for the SWR that is acceptable for the Declaration of Rights between the producer and CICC appears, unfortunately, to not not reachable, the plans of the SWR not currently broadcasting”, – stated in a communication of the transmitter.

the explanation for The short-term withdrawal is all the more surprising, as the SWR have been clear had to be, with what image of the material of the Film works. They did not have to search long and so do, as you unravel a mystery here or come only at the last second. The production company “Gebrueder Beetz” made it rather clear from the outset that you are working with recordings that originate from China Intercontinental Communication Centre, the information office of China’s state Council,. The it was learned at the producers in advance on request and is preceded in the Film as an explanation.

Seemingly perfectly functioning crisis management

67 hours of footage you’ve seen, the Version of “Wuhan – timeline of an outbreak”, which was made to journalists in advance accessible, right from the start. Again and again the speech is in the movie, at the end is again recorded, how the images come. You show only the second Phase of the Corona-pandemic in China, the government resorted to drastic means and the city of Wuhan abriegelte.

The first Phase of the spread of the Virus, in which the information is held back and the help of the population, calling, and physicians were ignored in the Film, he relies on journalistic and researched testimonies from this time. Instead, we see an apparently perfectly functioning crisis management and seemingly grateful and satisfied citizens, however, with the repeated note provided that the images are also to do exactly this-setting. The drama of the action against them, do not reflect.

people Who keep their eyes and ears open, but what we are shown and what conclusions the situation in China, local experts such as the virologist Christian Drosten, Hendrick Streeck and Lothar Wieler, President of the Robert Koch-Institute, which are heard in the Film.