let’s Start with General Motors. Emma DeGraffenreid, a black woman, had sued in 1976 in St. Louis, together with four other black women to their former employer, General Motors, due to discrimination. The women complained that General Motors practice is to employ a conveyor belt of only men, and as the Secretary of the interior exclusively for women. While for the men jobs for black men were taken, were employed as the Secretary of the interior exclusively white women. Black women had no Chance.

Rainer Hank

Freelance author in the economy of the Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper.

F. A. Z.

The court refused the claim. The judges wanted to acknowledge that people were discriminated against because of gender and skin color. The women should decide whether they wanted to complain against discrimination because of gender or because of skin color, a combination of both is possible. So, of course, the women in the case were and had lost track of the judges: That General Motors is not a kidney to skin color discrimination, see the fact that black men worked on the Assembly line. That there is in the setting of policy, no sexism, could you recognize the fact that in the case of General Motors, many women worked as secretaries.

The case of General Motors is a key scene in a famous study of the American Jura Professor Kimberlé Crenshaw in 1989. In it, she has developed a critique of both anti-racism as well as white feminism. What is the case is particularly interesting: There is no term for the double discriminatory experience of women. Where there is no term, there is no legal issue, and serve the judges as a basis for a claim and to help the women on their legal might.

Black women accounted for the experience of discrimination, which could be understood by neither black men nor white women. KimberlĂ© Crenshaw, invented the term “Intersectionality”. That sounds bulky and means “intersection” or “intersection”, so the meeting of two or more discrimination structures (race, class, gender).

discrimination at the Olympics culminate in the tribal society

The case of General Motors makes on forms of inequality which have not traditionally provided Conventional example, income or education inequality in a class society, which, depending on the political position through Revolution, redistribution or contest the removal. Today’s so-called identity politics, but also to complex “hermeneutical injustice”, the experience, for the first, a Name must be found.