In the race for a Corona vaccine, the German state is involved in the tübingen-based biotech company Curevac. The Federal Economics Minister, Peter Altmaier (CDU), and Curevac, owner, SAP co-founder Dietmar Hopp told, just. Accordingly, the Federal government will invest 300 million euros in the company – the state-owned Bank KfW, the public sector acquires a participation in the amount of 23 percent of Curevac.

the aim was to give the company financial security. The state would have no influence on business policy decisions.

Altmaier, said participation was at the same time, industrial policy is of high importance. Important research results and technologies would be needed in Germany and Europe. “The technology of Curevac to develop Potential new vaccines and therapeutic treatment options for many people, and to put on the market.”

EU-countries 400 million doses

the Background to secure the recovery-and the future package of the Federal government in the Corona-crisis. Hopp explained that he was pleased that the state the importance of biotechnology and key industry on the early research, supports will be recognized.

Curevac is one of the companies that are in the race for the development of a Corona vaccine. The company had released in mid-may, positive preclinical results for your project. In June, the first clinical studies should start with a healthy volunteers.

Curevac was advised in March in the headlines because the American government allegedly had interest in the company. President Donald Trump should have offered the company a media report, according to a high amount, to secure their work exclusively. The had rejected the tübingen-based, however.