Farmers who have suffered significant losses because of drought are to receive federal relief. Due to “national scale” crop damage, federal government wants to give 150 million to 170 million euros in addition to country programs, said Minister Julia Klöckner (CDU). “Overall, farmers should be helped with 340 million euros,” she said.

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Klöckner had previously presented official harvest report at cabinet meeting, on basis of which emergency aid was decided. The Minister of Agriculture refers to information from Länder. According to this, around 10,000 farms are existentially at risk from drought and have to expect a 30 percent drop in earnings. The CDU politician n declared national emergency, spoke of a “wear event of national proportions” and thus created precondition for aid of Confederation.

That is exactly what farmers ‘ Association demanded. He welcomed announced emergency aid. “This is a good signal for all affected farmers,” said president of German Farmers ‘ Association Joachim Rukwied. The countries now have to take over ir responsibilities and share. Aid should be implemented quickly and unbureaucratically.

Atmosphere at farmers “very bad”

For many farmers mood was “very bad”, farmer president said in morning in ARD. “The purse is empty, that expresses mood.” At same time he assured: “We do not want help with watering, but where it is necessary.” However, he reiterated demand that federal government should also participate in aid. However, contrary to previous statements, he left concrete sum open. In mid-July he had still spoken of a billion euros.

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Rukwied substantiated his demand with new figures on harvest balance: according to his association, which refer to surveys of national associations, this year’s cereal harvest with 35.6 million tonnes was down 26 percent lower than average Harvesting quantity from 2013 to 2017. In case of or crops, harvest remained well below previous year’s level, especially in case of potatoes and sugar beet. Livestock farmers are under special pressure because y have not been able to harvest enough food for ir animals.