The plaintiffs in the dispute before the Federal constitutional court to the bond purchases by the ECB have expanded downstream. Bernd Lucke, an Economics Professor, Co-founder and one of the plaintiffs in the case, announced on Wednesday afternoon, the law Professor Hans-Detlef Horn have submitted the name of a group of 1735 Complainants to the German constitutional court a request for the issuing of an Enforcement order.

Christian Siedenbiedel

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z.

the Federal government and the Bundestag should be required to provide to the Complainants to grant access to files in the secret documents and the alleged proportionality of the PSPP comprehensible to a lay by.

“It is absurd that the Bundestag and the Bundesrat can self-assess whether they fulfil their duty against the mandate of the ECB, overruns, approach, enough,” said Lucke. “This could lead to that the gantry is allowed to determine whether he is a good gardener.”

A stronger examination of the content

A petition for enforcement against the participation of the Bundesbank’s bond purchases, the advance is not the norm, however. We reserve the right, but still.

You’ll have to ask him, “if the ECB had failed in its duty to the Proportionality assessment of the economic impact of the PSPP obviously, and the Federal government and the Bundestag have again assumed their responsibility for Integration”. To be able to evaluate this, is the insight into the secret documents “mandatory requirement”.