Economist Daniel Cohen, sovereign debt specialist, professor at the Ecole Normale Supérieure and founding member of the Paris School of Economics died on Sunday August 20 in Paris, Le Monde learned. He was 70 years old. Winner of the Economics Book Prize – in 2000 for his book Nos temps modernes (Flammarion, 2008) and in 2012 for Homo Economicus, prophet (lost) of new times (Albin Michel, 2012), he was also a member of the surveillance of the World from 2010 to 2021, where he had published numerous analyzes.

“We were all students of Daniel Cohen, I have always been very impressed by his teaching skills and his multidisciplinary approach”, confided the economist Gabriel Zucman to Le Monde, in 2019, as part of an article on French economists , of which Mr. Cohen has been one of the figures since the end of the 1990s. must be analyzed with the contribution of all the social sciences.

Former adviser to the Lazard bank, columnist at L’Obs, member between 1997 and 2012 of the Economic Analysis Council, he has published numerous books, in addition to those for which he was awarded the Economics Book Prize: Wealth of the world, poverty of nations (Flammarion, 1997) or even Homo numericus. The Coming “Civilization” (Albin Michel, 2022)…

After the announcement of his death, several personalities wanted to pay tribute to him. “A great French economist has left us”, writes the Minister Delegate for Industry, Roland Lescure, on X (formerly Twitter): “Daniel Cohen combined rigor and a sense of pedagogy, two qualities that do not always go together, and which made his public interventions valuable. For his part, the environmental MEP Yannick Jadot expressed his “tremendous sadness”, also on X: “Daniel Cohen was not only a remarkably intelligent economist, connected to the issues of our time. He was deeply humanist, committed, available, funny. »