The works council and the prevention delegates at Ilunion Servicios Industriales SL have denounced their company on Tuesday before the Prosecutor’s Office specialized in workplace accidents in Guadalajara for having more than 400 people with disabilities working at high temperatures in their five special centers of employment of Cabanillas del Campo, Quer and Guadalajara capital.

The complainants provide in their letter the measurements of the temperatures carried out in the aforementioned work centers on June 28 and 29 and July 27 and 28 by a specialized company commissioned by Ilunion itself, “which in all cases exceed the legally established”, the CCOO reported this Tuesday in a press release.

They also point out that several accidents due to heat stroke have already been registered this summer and ask the Public Prosecutor to take “the appropriate steps to clarify the facts, stop or cease business acts that could constitute an infringement and determine of the scope of the criminal responsibilities derived from the denounced facts.”

The complainants point out that the Labor Inspectorate has already “initiated acts of infringement” and emphasize that “it has not obtained from the company denounced a justification for the adoption of measures to prevent the risk situation.”

In fact, the company in charge of measuring the humidity and temperature conditions in the Ilunion work centers emphasizes in its reports that, within a month, “nebulizing fans to lower the temperature” should be installed in all of them, and warned that “in the event that these environmental conditions do not improve noticeably, portable air conditioning equipment must be installed.”

Ilunion has not done either one or the other in the aforementioned five special employment centers (ID Logistics in Cabanillas del Campo, PEPCO and L’OREAL in Quer and NEOVIA and LCN in Guadalajara), where people with disabilities who are not currently on vacation “face this week, in the middle of a heat wave, temperatures even higher than those registered in the evaluations carried out on the aforementioned days of June and July, in none of which they exceeded 35º”, indicated the president of the Committee of a company from Ilunion-Cabanillas del Campo, Teresa Sánchez.

At this point, he recalled that Ilunion was forced to comply with the January 2021 requirement of the Labor Inspectorate to “immediately correct” the environmental conditions “and in particular thermohygrometric” in another of its workplaces in Guadalajara, the from Manchalan.

In this case, “he was given a week to plan the installation of an air conditioning system capable of achieving the temperatures set out in RD 486/1997 in summer and winter” and six months to complete it, but Ilunion took more than a year and a half. to comply with the requirement”, criticized Sánchez.

And he concluded: “It is especially serious that practically all of the people affected – some 400 in total – are disabled and, in many cases, have difficulties even being aware of the risk they are subjected to when working with these high temperatures” .