The First Vice President of the Government, Nadia Calviño, has undergone a radical change in her perception of the figure of the President of Ferrovial, Rafael del Pino, after just over a year.

These days, he disqualifies his decision to move Ferrovial’s headquarters to the Netherlands and maintains that the company has only achieved success “thanks to public investment.” He also privately slips that Del Pino takes the step “out of personal interest” to save taxes.

However, on December 14, 2021, Calviño showed another vision. She herself offered to support Del Pino with a video, to which EL MUNDO has had access, at an international event in the US in the delivery of the Chamber award to the president of the company, according to sources familiar with the ceremony.

It was during the Business Leader of the Year award, granted by the Spain-United States Chamber of Commerce, when Calviño recorded a video in English, the excerpt of which accompanies this information, with these words: “He is a It is a great pleasure to participate in this awards ceremony. It is always very gratifying to see that Spanish business and managerial talent is valued beyond our borders (…) Today we honor the merits of Rafael del Pino as a business leader”.

At that time, the vice president did not attribute Ferrovial’s projection to public works, but to Del Pino himself and his team. “Ferrovial’s numerous achievements in recent years are, without a doubt, the result of good management and leadership.” The vice president He also took the opportunity to argue that Del Pino deserved the award for his commitment to “public-private collaboration” and “with society.” “Public-private collaborations will be very important, as well as a firm commitment to society and the ambitious objectives of the green agenda and the digital transition. Also with society as a whole that reflects the important role that companies play in countries in which they operate. For these reasons, Rafael del Pino is recognized today,” he said before the international audience gathered by the chamber in New York.

The event was attended by more than 300 representatives of politics, business and finance from both countries, including Kathy Hochul, Governor of the State of New York; the Spanish ambassador to the United States, Santiago Cabanas, and the former ambassador and president of the Chamber, Alan Solomont.

The first vice president was then sure that she was not going to change her vision of Del Pino, because she even thanked the president of Ferrovial “in advance”. “So congratulations on these distinguished awards, and thanks in advance for your leadership in the years to come, inspiring entrepreneurs to pursue business success while maintaining a strong determination to contribute to a better future,” she concluded.

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