Who swamp stands with both legs in Wirecard, you must be careful not to sink into it. The accounting firm EY has for years controlled the books of the now-bankrupt payment service provider, without the gigantic fraud. Therefore, a special role in the workup. Long the charge had asserted their formal innocence and otherwise, in Silence. Now you go on the Offensive: The new double tip for business in Germany, a Frenchman, who signed yet for the testing standards of the overall group responsible heard. In addition, an Advisory Board to support the former German Finance Minister, Theo Waigel, the Supervisory Board to monitor compliance with the new standards of quality.

The escape to the front arrives late. Long ago, the Prosecutor’s office has also taken the auditors to the visor. The previous EY-managing Director Hubert Barth has to soon testify before the Committee in Berlin. The current staff exchange prevents the possible consequences of the appearance a bit.

trust is the hard currency

But so far, damage is great. EY is a business on-the-go, in the trust in addition to the impeccable technical work, the hard currency. Comparisons with the former rival of Arthur Andersen, which collapsed in the Wake of the Enron scandal, together, may be premature. However, the unrest in the EY’s suits-customers large, in view of the threat of compensation. The battle of new mandates will be harder, it should be noted, a portion of the debt at EY. And the patience of the international EY Partner with the German colleagues is also strained arg.