In some of the associations does not change the management staff every few years in the Federal Association of German employers ‘ associations (BDA), however. Terms of office of more than ten years are more the rule than the exception, what makes innovations all the more interesting. This is true now more than ever: With Christina Ramb, a labour market expert with close Links to the policy, for the first time, a woman in the boardroom of the influential top-of-the Association.

Dietrich Creutzburg

economic correspondent in Berlin.

F. A. Z.

Ramb, which is so far a head of Department in the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry of labour and social should 1. September in the BDA-General management occur. Like the F. A. Z. has inherited Peter Clever, going after almost seventeen years in office and in retirement.

Clever had aroused in 2019 as the top representative of the employers in the Board of Directors of the Federal Agency for work with a edgy action attention: He urged Valerie Holsboer, first woman on the Board of the authority, from the office, of course, not alone, but at the end with the voices of employers and trade Union representatives.

Ramb and its predecessor share a similar past

Now will in the Future draw Ramb in the Trio, with chief Executive, Steffen Kampeter, and the pension expert Alexander Gunkel of the BDA in Berlin, an umbrella Association for a 48-industry employers ‘ associations, whose highest representative of the (voluntary) employer’s President since 2013, in the Person of the Bremerhaven plant construction-contractor, Ingo Kramer. It is decided about the change of personnel on a BDA-Board meeting at the beginning of July.

But it is not a departure into the Unknown, and, therefore,a matter of form: Ramb, a native of Munich, Born in 1973, was in front of your exchange in the düsseldorf regional government for 16 years in the service of the BDA, most recently as head of the Department of labour under the main management member of the Clever. In addition, the employer’s President sees in her “a highly qualified and experienced leadership personality”. He knew Ramb for years as a “dedicated and highly competent employee,” emphasizes Kramer.