The Secretary General of Industry, Commerce and Employment of the Government of Castilla y León, Alberto Díaz Pico, stated this Friday that there are people in Spain who “do not work because they live off the subsidy.”

Díaz Pico, when asked by journalists during an event held this Friday in Zamora, assured that these people “may not live like someone who is working, but they can live perfectly off benefits,” according to Europa Press.

The Secretary General of Industry has done his accounts to defend this thesis. “I’m not asking people if they want to work or not, but if there are 150,000 jobs on offer and there are unemployed people above that number, we have some problem,” he indicated during his speech, in which he insisted that the aid for the unemployed should be “limited” to cases of need.

The representative of Vox participated this Friday in the inauguration of the First Labor Orientation Conference held at the Rei Afonso Henriques de Zamora Foundation. A meeting that has brought together in this city more than a hundred career counselors from all the provinces of Castilla y León, as well as speakers from Spain and Portugal.

These sessions seek to “share experiences and train professionals in the guidance sector”, as Alberto Díaz Pico has pointed out. This area of ​​the world of work is currently going through a “very important moment” given the high number of unemployed, with a rate “one of the highest in the European Union.”

The Secretary General of Employment wanted to highlight the “effort made” by the Public Employment Service of Castilla y León to hire 177 people to collaborate in career guidance tasks. “This means rescuing the provision of services that were outsourced,” he commented.