A week after the devastating fire in the Cathedral of the Western French city of Nantes, a suspect came once again in police custody. The 39-year-old man was taken into custody. The investigators reported that, according to laboratory tests, a criminal Background, the fire disaster was likely to be.

from The East African country of Rwanda-born man had already been a week ago – immediately after the fire in the house of God, the police got custody, but then released. It is in accordance with previous data of the Prosecutor’s office to a volunteer who worked in the diocese. He was, therefore, for the closure of the Cathedral on the eve of the fire responsible. There was no sign of forced entry into the Church, he fell rapidly into the field of view of the investigator.

In the case of a conviction of ten years imprisonment and a fine in the amount of 150,000 euros to the Suspect, according to the Prosecutor’s office.

Valuable organ, complete

destroyed parts of the Church were up in flames, they destroyed, among other things, the main organ. There were three outbreaks of fire. A large stained-glass window in the facade, as well as paintings, were destroyed or damaged. An estimate of the restoration cost yet. The Church was built between 1434 and 1891, in the Flamboyant style of late Gothic.